Do You Have Gout?
How You Would Know:
Joint Pain
(Usually fingers or toes but can be knees, wrist or ankles.)
Warmth of Joint
(Caused by Inflammation)
(also caused by inflammation)
These are the most common symptoms of gout. Usually, these symptoms affect only one joint. The pain comes as an attack or “flare”, usually at night, and can last for many days. This flares are caused by uric acid crystals forming in your joints.
Uric Acid Crystals
are formed with the blood level of uric acid rises to high levels. Uric acid is a normal product of protein (especially purine) metabolism. In gout, uric acid is not removed from the body at normal rates, resulting in high levels. The crystals that form can be in your joints as well as your kidneys.
The goal in gout treatment is to PREVENT flares by keeping the uric acid blood level below 6 mg/dL. This can be accomplished by a daily medication.
Research studies have shown that weight reduction (aiming for ideal BMI) and reduction of alcohol intake both reduce the chances of gout flares. Eating food low in protein and purine in particular, does not decrease your chances of having a gout flare.
If you know you have gout, are having flares, and are not on a daily medication, we can help.
The First Stop
The Laboratory.
We need to know two things
Uric Acid Level
Determined from a blood sample.
HLA B*5801
Also a blood test used to guide medication selection.
We will discuss your general health.
Gout is often related to other diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, kidney disease, and obesity.
We will develop a treatment plan that considers all of your diseases since they can interact with the choice of medicine, your ideal diet, and your long-term health.
Not Sure If You Need Medication?
Let's Talk About It.
We will cover: