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That is the first question I get asked

by patients who are ready to change their weight.

Most have tried a number of “diets” with

limited or no lasting success.

So which diet doc?

The Truth is:



As long as you hit these targets:

MEN: 1500-1800 kCal per day

WOMEN: 1200-1500 kCal per day


"What? It Doesn't Matter?

Well, I have a diet preference that is based on my concern for your health beyond your weight change goal. 


What is the Additional Goal?

I’d like you to preserve or increase your muscle mass as you age.


Three Reasons for This Goal:

If you have more muscle as you age, you will be at lower risk for a fall and the resulting injuries (broken hip, head bleed). 

The more muscle you have, the better you can burn calories.

The more muscle you have, the better control you will have of blood glucose, regardless of weight change.


Making and keeping muscle means I will want you to have enough PROTEIN in your diet to build and maintain your muscle mass.

Resistance Exercise

Part of my activity program for you involves resistance exercise.  I do not intend for you to turn into “The Rock” (unless you want to). 

We are using resistance exercise to tell your body to keep the muscle you have and make some more.   

In order for your body to do that, you will need this extra protein in your diet.

So, that means a diet higher in protein will be my preference.

another advantage of diets heavy on protein:

They make you feel full longer!

Feeling Full Longer

Helps Keep That Daily Calorie Goal In Reach!

Well Then, What Should I Eat?

I have been studying many diets

I have consulted my registered dietician to help me analyze them.

We come to the same conclusion.  

Most Patients Need a Very Specific Meal Plan

If I Say To You:

go do the paleo diet!

I can’t be sure that you will hit

the protein and calorie targets

you will need for weight change

and muscle mass development.

So, I have developed a meal plan that is



Hits our calorie and protein targets, and 

Tastes great.

You are welcome to come up with your own too.

I just want my patients to have a very well defined plan that they know will work.

Now, can you follow it perfectly?

  No, and I don’t think anyone can truly

follow any diet perfectly and especially,

not for long.

But that’s ok, we are in this for the long haul.

Missing your calorie goal one day out of five,

or five days out of thirty

is not going to derail your success.  



Let’s just lay out the plan

and start plugging away,

knowing that you are doing good things

for your body

every day in this program,

on the way to a 6 month weight change goal.

You can do this!

Everyday Health for


 Same Day Appointments are Available.


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